Yes to Wilson's, No to Laughing Gull

In between an eye exam this afternoon and rollerblading at the Lake Hefner dam, I did a quick trip to a few favorite birding spots along the south side of the lake. I was rewarded with the sight of two very small yellowish warblers and a Ruby-throated Hummingbird sitting in a cottonwood tree along the shore at Prairie Dog Point. The warblers, I believe, are Wilson’s Warblers! I’ve only seen Wilson’s once before and today’s sighting provided a great opportunity to watch them in action. They were very busy and also quite accomodating. I was able to get only a few usable photos, however, since they often ducked behind the cottonwood leaves (which are larger than the birds).

The fall warbler migration is underway and I’m happy to have seen these very beautiful birds. (And I’ll be relieved when Terri or Nathan confirm my ID.)

I also visited Stars & Stripes Park on the south side of the lake and for the third time was unable to locate the juvenile Laughing Gull. My last sighting of this bird was 9/2/05. I looked for it a few times over the weekend but the Park was full of families enjoying holiday picnics and I wasn’t surprised to find the area absent most birds. But the Ring-billed Gulls and Forster’s Terns have returned, but alas no Laughing Gull. What a great bird — and a great time I had watching my first Laughing Gull.

My work load is slowing down a bit and I hope to add some photos to the Gallery by the end of the week. I’ll post a list of the updated images just for the record 🙂

Happy birding to all,


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